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Contract ExampleNFT

contract ExampleNFT {
totalSupply: UInt64
CollectionStoragePath: StoragePath
CollectionPublicPath: PublicPath
MinterStoragePath: StoragePath

Implemented Interfaces:

  • NonFungibleToken


resource interface ExampleNFTCollectionPublic

resource interface ExampleNFTCollectionPublic {

Defines the methods that are particular to this NFT contract collection


Structs & Resources

resource NFT

resource NFT {
id: UInt64
name: String
description: String
thumbnail: String
royalties: [MetadataViews.Royalty]
metadata: {String: AnyStruct}

The core resource that represents a Non Fungible Token. New instances will be created using the NFTMinter resource and stored in the Collection resource


resource Collection

resource Collection {
ownedNFTs: {UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

The resource that will be holding the NFTs inside any account. In order to be able to manage NFTs any account will need to create an empty collection first


resource NFTMinter

resource NFTMinter {

Resource that an admin or something similar would own to be able to mint new NFTs



fun createEmptyCollection()

func createEmptyCollection(): NonFungibleToken.Collection

Allows anyone to create a new empty collection

Returns: The new Collection resource


event ContractInitialized

event ContractInitialized()

The event that is emitted when the contract is created

event Withdraw

event Withdraw(id UInt64, from Address?)

The event that is emitted when an NFT is withdrawn from a Collection

event Deposit

event Deposit(id UInt64, to Address?)

The event that is emitted when an NFT is deposited to a Collection